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Your Annual Silo Maintenance Calendar
Posted by Dennis Blauser, January 31, 2024
When it comes to your annual silo maintenance calendar, it's always the best bet to get things on the schedule sooner, rather than later. The best plan will get all your maintenance booked at once. Doing so allows you to plan for necessary silo maintenance like cleaning, silo inspection, and silo restoration or repairs when you have a naturally lighter schedule.
  Silo Cleaning Silo Inspection Silo Repair and Restoration Silo Construction
January Off Season    
March   Exterior Silo Repairs  
April   Exterior Silo Repairs  
May   Exterior Silo Repairs  
June Off Season   Warm/Dry Weather
July Off Season   Warm/Dry Weather
August Off Season   Warm/Dry Weather
September Off Season Exterior Silo Repairs  
October Off Season Exterior Silo Repairs  
November Off Season Exterior Silo Repairs  
December Off Season    
Silo Inspection
Regular silo inspections and routine silo maintenance help you increase the useful life of your silo, reduce unplanned downtime, and uphold production goals. In fact, professional inspections are the most effective, preventive method to ensure concrete and steel structures, surfaces, and silos remain safe and fully operational. Best practices recommend professional inspections at two- to five-year intervals to help identify any issues that could lead to silo failure.
Silo Restoration and Repairs
Consistently monitoring the exterior of the silo can assist facilities in identifying emerging or escalating problems, potentially requiring more frequent or timely inspections. With proper design and construction, a significant portion of this damage can be avoided or reduced through regular inspections, maintenance, and a thorough knowledge of appropriate protocols. Any silo that experiences sudden deterioration or displays signs of new damage should be inspected by a professional immediately. While the end of the year is often chaotic, it's a good time to make sure silo maintenance services like restoration and repair. Minor exterior silo repairs that have been identified in a professional silo inspection earlier in the year can be scheduled during temperate times of the year, like spring and fall, as they should have little to no impact on production schedules.
Silo Construction
Jumpform and slipform silo construction methods are two of the most flexible in the industry today. So, what determines the construction approach? Jumpform construction is not as time-sensitive as slipform because it is completed in stages, rather than a continuous pour. When looking at the best time of year to schedule your silo construction project, it's often wise to book dryer times of the year, such as the summer, to help prevent weather-related delays.
Don't delay. Get your annual silo maintenance scheduled today.
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