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Silo Cleaning Blogs

Posted by Dennis Blauser, October 18, 2021
There are numerous benefits to keeping up with routine silo cleanings. Regular silo cleaning ensures efficient operation and can help limit potential liabilities. Regular cleanings also increase your silo's usable lifespan, minimize big-ticket repairs, and help you avoid more costly cleaning expenses that can result from emergency situations.
Hung up, clogged or slow running silos are a problem that will interfere with efficiency and profitability. In addition, material buildup deters the silo from reaching its full capacity. We have seen many cases where material buildup and blockages make it so a silo or silos can only store roughly half of the original capacity. Once a silo begins to lose flow, this accelerates the buildup over time and can lead to additional blockages. Therefore, the silo must be cleaned professionally if material buildup or other issues are visible.

Benefits of Routine Silo Cleaning

  • Safety - A clean silo is the first step in protecting your stored materials, your silo's structural integrity, and your workers.
  • Savings - Removing material buildup returns your silo to the original, full capacity, helps you recover lost material that can be sold, and helps you stick to production schedules.
  • Scheduling - Sticking with a routine cleaning schedule lets you plan around your peak seasons and find a time that works best for you and minimizes downtime.

Schedule Silo Cleaning with the Pros

USA Silo Service is your go-to silo cleaning company for expert silo cleaning. Our team of experts is equipped with the industry's best silo cleaning techniques and proprietary equipment, so the job is done quickly and correctly. No matter your silo type or stored material, we clean it all - including storage domes.
So, when was your last silo cleaning? Schedule now and get back on track.

Posted by Dennis Blauser, September 27, 2021
When your silo suffers from built-up debris, your operations can be slowed or stopped and your storage capacity greatly reduced. Build-up also leads to poor material flow characteristics that can lead to increased strain on silo walls and cause cracking and other damage that can result in structural failure. Yet, removing material build-up through professional silo cleaning does more than protect your silo and save you money long-term. It can also pay for itself or even put money back in your pocket.
Removing your material build-up allows you to recover lost material that can then be sold. USA Silos removes debris and relocates it during the silo cleaning process through our high-performance industrial vacuum truck services. We then assess recovered material for usability and handle it accordingly. As a result, useable materials can be sold while lost materials are properly disposed of by us. This lets you reap savings through recovered stagnant material that was previously written off.
Once professionally cleaned, silos can return to running at full, original capacity, allowing maximum efficiency and leading to more consistent production schedules with no unplanned downtime. In short, the benefits of a professional cleaning every year far outweigh the initial costs.
Whether you have bridging, caking or plugging of any stored material, it’s essential to contact silo cleaning company USA Silo Service, a division of the Marietta Group, which includes Marietta Silos and Marietta Inspection Services, to have the build-up removed quickly. Our silo cleaning techniques utilize The Boss proprietary cleaning system, which delivers maximum cleaning efficiency in a safe environment while minimizing downtime and delivering cost savings to the customer.
To learn more, be sure to check out our full library of videos on silo cleaning, construction, inspection, and repair on

Posted by Dennis Blauser, July 14, 2021
Silo cleaning is an essential part of silo ownership. It also saves you money and maximizes production and profit. Avoiding compaction and hydration of material through regular emptying and cleaning keeps your silo in proper working order. When stored material becomes too compacted, it must be removed by a professional cleaning company. An efficiently working silo helps you meet production goals.
By removing material buildup, silos are returned to their original storage capacity, and material flow issues that can slow down production are corrected. Clogged or slow running silos are a problem that will interfere with efficiency and profitability. Material buildup deters the silo from reaching its full capacity. Once a silo begins to lose flow, this accelerates the buildup over time and can lead to additional blockages. Removing this buildup can also allow you to recover lost material. Our professional team maximizes the cost-effectiveness of your silo cleaning operations by supplying the necessary industrial vacuum truck services to meet the requirements of your situation.

The Boss - Silo Cleaning Techniques

Professional silo cleaning companies typically use a remote, dry cleaning system to remove stubborn material buildup. The most powerful system available in the U.S. is a unique clean-out head, The Boss, proprietary to USA Silo Service that is 65% more powerful than other pneumatic systems. By removing more material faster and more efficiently than any other clean-out method, including the whip system, The Boss accelerates the cleaning process. This minimizes downtime and time spent on-site, providing immediate cost savings.
The Boss is a unique clean-out head designed to accommodate variable attachments selected by our field crews to match the type of material being removed. Our silo cleaning technique includes operating in a systematic pattern within the silo to remove the toughest buildups.

The Takeaway

Regularly cleaning your silo can help keep it operating efficiently and limit potential liabilities. Regular cleanings also increase your silo's usable lifespan, minimize big-ticket repairs, and avoid more costly cleaning expenses. In addition, professional silo cleaning saves you time and money by removing buildup and recovering lost material.
USA Silo Service, Inc. is a silo and bin cleaning, bulk storage removal/clean-out and industrial coating corporation that has serviced the needs of the industry for almost thirty years. Our silo cleaning services have been successfully performed throughout the United States and Canada and have proven benefits for our customers. USA Silo Service also provides vacuum truck and material disposal services to assist in removing and relocating silo debris. Our professional team also responds quickly to emergency silo cleaning needs.
Check out our full library of videos on silo cleaning, construction, inspection and repair on for more information.

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