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Posted by Dennis Blauser, March 9, 2022
Silo construction has been an integral part of Marietta Silos services since 1916. Stave silos are among the types of silo construction methods that are used to create a silo that is suited for your current material handling needs. Other silo construction methods include jumpform and slipform silos.
Marietta Silos developed the technology for stave silo construction back in 1920 and is the only company today that produces stave silos at a thickness of 5 ¾" which creates added durability. Reinforcements like galvanized hoops are often used to help compress the silo walls and introduce tension for increased stability.
Stave silos utilize an interlocking technology using precast concrete blocks which enables the stave silo to manage your silo needs for years to come. Internal joints of stave silo interior and exterior walls need to be sealed using cementitious coatings which creates a smooth outward appearance when the stave silo is completed. Multiple discharge types may be used when constructing a stave silo including flat floor, cone, tunnel discharge, and side discharge.
If you're thinking about starting your own silo construction project, contact the experts at Marietta Silos. Marietta Silos brings over a century of silo construction and design experience to walk you through the steps of deciding what silo type and sizes will work best for your particular application.
Watch our Silo Construction Video:      

Posted by Dennis Blauser, February 24, 2022
Regular professional silo cleaning is a necessary tool that ensures maximization of production while protecting employee safety. All too often, however, we postpone silo cleaning to delay the economic effects that downtime and lost production may bring.
When regularly cleaned by a professional silo cleaning company, a silo yields maximum production while providing a safe working environment. So how do you have your silo regularly cleaned, minimize downtime and save money in the process?
The USA Silo Service solution is employing The Boss proprietary silo cleaning method, which is 2/3 more powerful than conventional cleaning methods. Since The Boss moves more material per hour, our system delivers optimal cleaning quickly and correctly, resulting in less downtime and production loss, ultimately saving you money.
So don't put off that silo cleaning any longer. Let The Boss silo cleaning machine and USA Silo Service help you get back on a regular silo cleaning schedule to maximize your efficiency, production and safety.

Posted by Dennis Blauser, January 13, 2022
Preventive maintenance is crucial when it comes to silos. Failing to complete preventive maintenance is a leading cause of costly, dangerous silo failure. Addressing minor issues as soon as they arise helps keep the costs of silo ownership low as major repairs, emergencies and structural failures are more expensive up front, take longer to correct and inevitably result in unplanned downtime. So how do you know how to prevent major issues when maintaining your silo?
While you can, and should, regularly examine your silo exterior for any signs of cracks, obvious damage or changes, professional silo inspection is the only way to identify essential preventive maintenance needs. Professional silo inspection covers more areas of the silo than an in-house inspection. Trained silo inspectors or silo engineers examine your silo(s) in-depth to look for serious issues and provide preventive maintenance suggestions that can help keep your silo in the best shape possible.
We offer three different silo inspection levels to meet the needs of any industry. From basic and augmented to comprehensive silo inspection or any level supplemented with our AI inspection service, our silo inspection components include examining key areas of potential failures, such as foundations, walls and roofs.
Prevention is the most effective method to ensure the integrity and continued operation of your silo. Regular maintenance and inspections can increase the life of your silo and ensure the safety of those working around your structures. Through inspection and maintenance, you increase the useful life of your silo, reduce unplanned downtime, and uphold production goals. What's more, the lack of silo maintenance is a leading cause of failure. The costs of keeping up with preventive maintenance are significantly lower than the price of major repairs or construction after a structural failure.

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